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logic bomb 同义词

发音:logic bomb是什么意思
  1. slag code
    英文释义: 名词 a set of instructions inserted into a program that are designed to execute (or `explode'') if a particular condition is satisfied; when exploded it may delete or corrupt data, or print a spurious message, or have other harmful effects; "a disgruntled employee planted a logic bomb"


  • logic bomb 英文释义:a set of instructions inserted into a program that are designed to execute (or `explode'') if a particular condition is satisfied; when exploded it may delete or corrupt data, or print a spurious message, or have other harmful effects; "a disgruntled employee planted a logic bomb"
  • logic bomb 中文翻译:【计算机】逻辑炸弹〔指隐藏在电脑程序中的病毒〕。
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